Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Next Mac OS Has Left the Station

Many of us here are rabid Mac users, except for those that aren't. No matter who we are, however, we undoubtedly love hearing rumors of the impending release of new operating systems. Such was the case earlier in October, when we reported that Apple's Mac OS X 10.6 had left the station in a release train.

In layperson terms, that means that all the new features, ideas and fixes for the operating systems' next release, are set in stone. That doesn't mean there won't be changes, it just means there won't be anything new added. It's a significant step in the development of any software, and for the Mac OS X, it could mean a January 09 release at MacWorld San Francisco.

And yet, no one seems to have noticed that we've written this story. We suppose it's their loss that they won't be privy to this hip, cool knowledge.

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